My Partner In Crime


You've asked me many times what I see in you. The short answer is - my future. I don't often fantasize about having a future with someone because I find there's no point in getting my hopes up - But at this point in our relationship it isn't hoping for a future with you; I know my future is with you. When I look at you I see stability, safety, trust, consistency, and love. I love you for how logical you are in any given situation, how you understand my bluntness isn't meant to be mean. I love the way you look at people. How you always have an answer... and when you don't - You're honest. I love your humor, your taste in music, your admiration for art, your charisma, your ability to get along with anyone, how classy/tasteful you are, how dedicated you are, your intelligence, your honesty, your writing, your hard-working attitude towards everything. And least importantly - How handsome you are. The way we work together doesn't feel forced. It isn't driven by lust. I know that our relationship isn't something that will eventually die out. We are consistent and we are sustainable. You've provided a safe place for me to feel like it's okay to express my emotions and actually be a human. You've taught me that it's okay that I am a human. I will never take you for granted. You are the most amazing man that I know and I am forever devoted to you and your word. I love you more than anything. My twin flame. My boyfriend. My Dominant. My Safe-Haven. My Love. My to-be Husband. My Goat.