Marrying him for that Canadian Citizenship<3
He made my Heart go Oops. Im a Jealous Dirt bag but you like me anyway and I thank you for that. We Met about 6 fucking years ago and counting but we've only been dating for around 6 months. When I needed someone the most you were there even when my boyfriend at the time wasnt. Your silent but it speaks Volumes in a way.
My favorite days are when i get to play video games with you. But just knowing your there is my favorite everyday.
One day bby we'll own a house in Canada with a cute garden and our cats away from our families. Its going to take a group effort but I think we'll make it.
We'll cuddle, play video games, and nerd out. and If you let me Maybe we can go to a botanical garden, or just wonder around town and get lost together. <3
We'll always have Eachother.