☾Frequently Asked Questions☽

Silly Questions

Q. Are you single? A. No, I'm not!
Q. Can you gift me? A. Sadly, no can do! I'm very broke lol
Q. Are you a Sugar Baby? A. Yes! I am!
Q. Can you be my Sugar Baby? A. Yes! But there shall be no IRL stuff, I keep it to IMVU only♡
Q. Are you up for adoption?A. Yes♡
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♢ F A Q ♢

Q. Why are you ignoring me? A. I'm not doing it on purpose! I'm just very shy and anxious or I'm just busy!
Q. Can we RP? A. Only if you pay, we're very close friends or we're family!
Q. Can I be a mod in one of your rooms?A. It costs 5k to be a mod in each room, and if I get more than 3 complaints, you will be stripped of your moderator status and or banned/blocked♡
♢ x o x o♢
♢ *Kisses* ♢