watch the designer heels ❤

You've reached my homepage.
You can look, but you can't touch. Too late.
I'll do you hair, nails, makeup, but you'll never do me.

❥L O V E S
Forrest, sex, fucking, makeup, lipstick on a dick, designer fashion, shopping, being loved, spending money, high heels, hairdressing, friends, nail art, glamour, hair dye, jewelry, style, androgyny, being a sex pot, gloss, blush, vanity, 80s music, hardcore, metal, living in California, nice weather, staying in bed all day, handcuffs, being a top, being a bottom, switch switch bitch, club music, telling it like it is, giving advice, doing favors, staying home, feeling safe, gender fucking, sweets, professionalism, humor, talking, glitter, buying treats for friends, gender bending, confidence, werking my murderous body, synthpop, the color pink, when Forrest shreds on guitar (fuuuuuuck), innovations in hairstyling, hair dye, drag, etc.

✖L O A T H E S
Homophobes, rapists, perverts, ignorance, drugs, alcohol, being stuck at the salon all day, time away from my sweetie, excruciating California summers, cheap bitches, racists, close-minded retards, liars, stalkers, creepers, people who hit on me, sleazy BDSM men, insults, touching without permission, ungrateful customers, being taken advantage of, abuse, over-religious bible fuckers, disrespect, illiteracy, stupidity, etc.